Clean Energy Connections
Beyond Clean Energy Connections – using social networking
Keeping the momentum going after this event is crucial — be involved in moving things forward at an increasing rate:
“Think Global Act Local” only works when you know how to act.
Clean Energy Connections is a yearly event that is part of the larger shift of focus in the valley and beyond ─ at, take what you saw and learned here and continue the effort when you get home.
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Our valley is far more aggressive in this effort than many other areas of the country, even so, much of Europe, for example, is well beyond us in realizing and acting on moving this understanding into day-to-day activities and long range planning. We need to take maximum benefit of the individual efforts and leverage the advanced communication resources we have available. We saw a world-wide example of using social networking on Oct 24th with 350 day and results at – we also need to take advantage of both hands-on face-to-face activities, like clean energy connections and the online tools that are available.
Earth Thrives, now almost 3 years old, is built on over 15 years of internet experience, long experience in the environmental movement and years of experience in business development. We have been creating an online place for the various green and sustainable activities in the Valley to present and share with their local communities of interest and each other, as well as a growing resource base of related information.
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