While Deep Winter is typically a time of rest, especially for local foods, this year I’ve seen an increase in activity. Many local food CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture) have stepped up to creating a local food system by offering Deep Winter Shares, some going as far as freezing the bounty of the harvest for winter distribution. Various local communities (Greenfield, Northampton, Amherst, Springfield, etc.) sponsored Winter Fairs to connect growers with the community. My...
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Education for Sustainability …will require the integration of thinking and feeling, mind and body, science and spirit, knowledge and values, head and heart. My last blog announcing a new certificate in Sustainable Food and Farming at the University of Massachusetts resulted in lots of inquiries. While most were about specific courses and requirements, some asked about the pedagogy and underlying philosophy of our new program. This blog attempts to describe the thinking that went into...
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Sometimes the biggest things are the hardest to see. For me, environmental justice is about understanding the dramatic negative and disproportionate impact of the things around us that we tend to take for granted (highways, factories, school buildings, streetscapes, open space, retail, ads, etc.). What impacts? You name it: health disparities, underachieving students, violence and crime, social alienation, and other crucial but less tangible impacts associated with low quality of life. Why do...
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Put together by Co-Op Power an PV Local First, this year’s Sustainable Energy Summit is Saturday, June 19. The Summit will be an exciting, fun-filled family event this year with lots of hands-on activities and is held on the shore of the Connecticut River in Holyoke at the Nuestras Raices 30 acre farm, 24 Jones Ferry Road, Holyoke, MA. The gate will open to the public at 10:30 a.m. and festivities will go throughout the day until 7:00 p.m. For more information about exhibitors and...
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At 8:30pm, Saturday March 27, thousands of global individuals, cities, and companies will make a little difference, save a little energy, and have some fun in the dark. For more information about who’s participating, events near you, and exactly how much impact one hour can have, visit Earth Hour’s Website. It’s not too late to plan our own earth hour..simply turn off your lights at 8:30pm local time and you’ll automaticaly join the largest rolling blackout ever. Read...
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